vineri, 30 ianuarie 2009

take a loooook...

acest "test"(defapt mai mult survey) a fost gasit pe un alt blog si anume acesta

mi s-a parut interesant. poate o sa il faceti si voi asa de "curiozitate"

I have read a lot of books.
I have been on some sort of varsity team.
I have run more than 2 miles without stopping.
I have been to Canada.
I have been to Europe.
I have watched cartoons for hours.
I have tripped UP the stairs.
I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs.
I have been snowboarding/skiing.
I have played ping pong.
I swam in the ocean.
I have been on a whale watch.
I have seen fireworks.
I have seen a shooting star.
I have seen a meteor shower.
I have almost drowned.
I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear.
I have listened to one CD over & over & over again.
I have had stitches.
I have had frostbite.
I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there.
I have stayed up til 2 doing homework/projects.
I currently have a job.
I have been ice skating.
I have been rollerblading
I have fallen flat on my face.
I have tripped over my own two feet.
I have been in a fist fight.
I have played videogames for more than 3 hours straight.
I have watched the power rangers.
I attend Church regularly.
I have played truth or dare.
I have already had my 16th birthday.
I have already had my 17th birthday.
I've called someone stupid.
I've been in a verbal argument.
I've cried in school.
I've played basketball on a team.
I've played baseball on a team.
I've played football on a team.
I've played soccer on a team.
I've done cheerleading on a team.
I've played softball on a team.
I've played volleyball on a team.
I've played tennis on a team.
I've been on a track or cross country team.
I've been swimming more than 20 times in my life.
I've bungee jumped.
I've climbed a rock wall.
I've lost more than $20.
I've called myself an idiot.
I've called someone else an idiot.
I've cried myself to sleep.
I've had (or have) pets.
I've owned a spice girls CD.
I've owned a britney spears CD.
I've owned an N*Sync CD.
I've owned a backstreet boys CD.
I've mooned someone.
I have sworn at someone of authority before.
I've been in the newspaper.
I've been on TV.
I've been to Hawaii.
I've eaten sushi.
I've been on the other side of a waterfall.
I've watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies.
I've watched all the Harry Potter movies.
I've watched all of the Rocky movies.
I've watched the 3 stooges.
I've watched "Newlyweds" Nick & Jessica.
I've watched Looney Tunes.
I've been stuffed into a locker/I have stuffed others into lockers.
I've been called a geek.
I've studied hard for a test and got a bad grade.
I've not studied at all for a test and aced it.
I've hugged my mom within the past 24 hrs.
I've hugged my dad within the past 24 hours.
I've met a celebrity/music artist.
I've written poetry.
I've been arrested.
I've been attracted to someone much older than me.
I've been tickled till I've cried.
I've tickled someone else until they cried.
I've had/have siblings.
I've been to a rock concert.
I've listened to classical music and enjoyed it.
I've been in a play.
I've been picked last in gym class.
I've been picked first in gym class.
I've been picked in that middle-range in gym class.
I've cried in front of my friends.
I've read a book longer than 1,000 pages.
I've played Halo 2.
I've freaked out over a sports game.
I've been to Alaska.
I've been to China.
I've been to Spain.
I've been to Japan.
I've had a fight with someone on AIM.
I've had a fight with someone face-to-face.
I've had serious conversations using IM.
I've forgiven someone who has done something wrong to me.
I've been forgiven.
I've screamed at a scary movie.
I've cried at a chick flick.
I've watched a lot of action movies.
I've screamed at the top of my lungs.
I've been to a rap concert.
I've been to a hip hop concert.
I've lived in more than 2 houses.
I've driven on the highway/been on the highway.
I've driven more than 400 miles in a day/been in a car that went more than 400 miles in a day.
I've been in a car accident.
I've done drugs.
I've been homesick.
I've thrown up.
I've puked on someone.
I've been horseback riding.
I've filled out more than 10 myspace surveys.
I've spoken my mind in public.
I've proved someone wrong.
I've been proven wrong by someone.
I've broken a leg.
I've broken an arm.
I've fallen off a swing.
I've swung on a swing for more than 30 mins straight.
I've watched Winnie the Pooh movies.
I've forgotten my backpack when I've gone to school.
I've lost my backpack.
I've come close to dying.
I've seen someone die.
I've known someone who has died.
I've wanted to be an actor/actress at some point.
I've done modeling.
I've forgotten to brush my teeth some mornings.
I've taken something/someone for granted.
I've realized how good my life is.
I've counted my blessings.
I've made fun of a classmate.
I've been asked out by someone and I said no.
I've slapped someone in the face.
I've been skateboarding.
I've been backstabbed by someone I thought was a friend.
I've lied to someone to their face.
I've told a little white lie.
I've taken a day off from school just so I don't go insane.
I've fainted.
I've had an argument with someone about whether cheerleading is a sport or not.
I've pushed someone into a pool.
I've been pushed into a pool.
I've been/are in love.


va ia mama dracului daca nu intrati aici

ma supi pe voi daca nu intrati. adica... nu mai vb cu voi. nici eu nici stalin. va sterg din lista.  nu mai postez nimic. da??? 

asa ca intrati. in fiecare zi. nu pierdeti nimic.

p.s. nu uitati sa dati click ptr acordarea punctului da? va intreaba acolo undeva... cititi.apasati.zambiti si intrati si in alta zi. pupic

joi, 29 ianuarie 2009

am zis ca revin...

deci... dupa cum spuneam o sa va anunt cu nota de la examen. am luat 8. :D va astept cu urarile de bravo :*

marți, 27 ianuarie 2009

oh my god...

this looks like a good day for science...

mda... m-am trezit ok... cum nu m-am mai trezit de mult. in primul rand... e lumina afara. that's a first. in al 2lea rand chiar am zambit un pic cand m-am trezit. in al 3lea rand... nu imi era foame. in al 4lea rand... am rezolvat si o programare (adica m-am reprogramat)...

pare o zi dintr-aia... pe care o poti numi... o zi buna... sa vdm ce iese mai departe. tre sa pun mana pe cursuri si sa incerc sa invat ceva teorie ca am maine examen si fara teorie nu iau. as vrea sa iau totusi examenu... o sa va anunt cu rezultatul. pupic

duminică, 25 ianuarie 2009

like blaaaa

da. blaaaa.

vreau vama, vreau mare, vreau munte, vreau ciocolata, vreau portocala, vreau corzi noi, vreau electro-acustica, vreau inele, vreau lantzuri ptr medalioane, vreau masaj, vreau cafea, vreau happy meal, vreau votca cu portocale rosii, vreau carbuni si staniol ptr narghilea, vreau un blowjob facut ca la carte, vreau lion, vreau spaghete cu sos picant, vreau salata de ton, vreau salata de varza rosie, vreau sa ma plimb, vreau sa conduc, vreau sa joc biliard, vreau un b55, vreau tigari, vreau cola, vreau cadouri, vreau zambete, vreau oameni care sa topaie. 

cam atat ptr ziua de azi. sunt curios ce va fi si maine. :*

later edit: 


miercuri, 14 ianuarie 2009

dear diary...

today wasn't a fine day for science...

azi am avut colocviu la arhitectura... marfa. am stat aseara sa invat si nu am iesit in revenge ptr ca speram sa iau acest examen...:-j ma amuzam si aseara cum ma amuz si acum de situatia care va fi... si anume restanta si peirdut timpul degeaba "invatand".

macar stiu ca am mancat niste snitzele cu paine si castraveti murati aseara, am ajutat o don'soara la un proiect si am si invatat. de fapt...reformulez. am citit. am citit despre: greci, romani, egipteni, mesopotamia (care se pare ca foloseau caramida arsa glazurata)... sexi

speram si eu sa imi pice ceva de genu asta... da' nu se poate sa am eu un asa noroc. a picat total pe langa, si m-am ridicat destul de repede din banca si am predat foaia cu numele si subiectele. foarte fain. sunt curios cum o sa fie data viitoare... poate invat partea cu urbanism si imi pica despre egipteni. ar fi tare... si o cred in stare pe profa. shit happens.

pana atunci va las cu un pupic si o poza cu niste caramizi gasita pe gugãl. (nu am gasit caramida glazurata :)) )

sâmbătă, 10 ianuarie 2009


este ora 14:43 conform leptocului, ora la care am inceput acest post.
ideea este scurta. sunt in taclale si beau o cafea si un zuc (pepsi). nu am avut chef de bucuresti azi. spre uimirea mea... am vazut ca jumate din taclale s-a cam dus ptr ca au facut o zona de juma de bar... cam naspa ptr ei ca au cam ramas fara clienti la faza asta. ata ete. se mai intampla. pupic. ne vdm maine sau in alte zile